Neon Abyss Wiki
404 Room

The 404 - Room

The 404 - Room is accessed via the Office after finishing the task for Hades' Assistant.

Inside, the player finds the "Chief Engineer". Talking to him opens up a window that contains all cheat codes for Neon Abyss. The player must unlock them by purchasing Cards at the Vending Machine. There are currently 199 cheat codes to unlock.

The cheat codes are accessed in a run by entering them in the games console, which can be opened by pressing the Tilde-key (can be rebound) on keyboard, or by holding down the pause button and map button on console (cannot be rebound). Using cheat codes will prevent any achievements from being unlocked during the run, as well as unlocking progress at the bar. (This will still happen if the cheat fails) Also to use a cheat code, the player currently must have acquired at least one faith gem during the run, as each code will cost one gem to activate. Also worth noting - even if you know the cheat codes, entering them in a run on a save file that hasnt unlocked the cheat code yet will result in the cheat not working.

Cheat Codes[]

EntryNum Code Description Drop
1 MONEY01 drops 1 coin Coin
2 MONEY05 drops 5 coins 30p_Bringerx
3 MONEY10 drops 10 coins Coin x10
4 MONEY50 drops 50 coins Coin x50
5 HEART5 Drop half a red heart Half a heart
6 HEART10 Drop 1 red heart Heart
7 SHIELD1 drops half a shield Half a shield
8 SHIELD2 drops 1 shield Shield
9 TICKET01 Drop ticket number 1 Ticket-1
10 TICKET02 Drop ticket number 2 Ticket-2
11 MAXHEART becomes the maximum health value
12 MAXSHIELD The shield value becomes the maximum value
13 BOMB01 Get 1 grenade Bomb
14 BOMB02 Get 2 grenade Bomb x2
15 KEY01 1 key dropped Key
16 KEY02 2 keys dropped Key x2
17 CRYSTAL01 drops 1 crystal Crystal
18 CRYSTAL02 drops 2 crystals Crystal x2
19 CRYSTALPACK drops a crystal pack Crystal x4
20 EGG01 drops 1 egg Egg
21 SPEEDUP Increase movement speed a bit
22 SPEEDMAX runs fast
23 JUMPHIGHER Jump a little higher
24 NOGRAVITY As if there is no gravity, just like walking on the moon?
25 DMGUP Increases attack power a little bit
26 DMGUPX2 Attack power greatly increased
27 EXTRABULLET shoots one more bullet
28 BULLETHELL fires fully, greatly increasing the number of ballistics
29 RPMUP to increase the rate of fire a little bit
30 RPMUPX2 greatly increases the rate of fire
31 EXTRAJUMP Increase the number of jumps once
32 LUCKY feel very lucky
33 SOULBRINGNER Drop weapon Soulbringer Soul Bringer
34 LULLABY Falling Weapon Lullaby Lullaby
35 PLASTICGUN Drop weapon Plastic Gun Plastic Gun
36 FAMINE Drop Weapon Famine Famine
37 FROSTFIRE drop weapon frost fire Frostfire
38 REDDROGAN Drop Weapon Red Dragon Red Dragon
39 KEYGUN drop weapon key gun Keygun
40 AIRGUN drop weapon air gun Airgun
41 SONGOFJOY Drop Weapon Song of Joy Song of Joy
42 FOMASK Drop Forbidden Mask Forbidden Mask
43 NERVSYS Drops Nerve System 6.0 Nerve System 6.0
44 MONKHAT Drop Monk Hat Monk Hat
45 SHROUD Drop Shroud Shroud
46 BENSPO drop bent spoon Bent Spoon
47 TURBAN Drop Persian Turban Persian Turban
48 PERSOUP Drop Pepper Soup Pepper Soup
49 SPACESODA drop space soda Space Soda
50 GIANTBBQ drop giant barbecue Giant Barbecue
51 SPGLASS Drops Bodyguard Sunglasses Bodyguard Glasses
52 BEASTANMU Drop Amulet of Beasts Beast Amulet
53 STARKMODULE Drop Stark Module Stark Module
54 GARCLIP Drop Garand Clip Garand Clip
55 SLINGSHOT Drop Powerful Slingshot Slingshot
56 MADMASK Drop Mad Mask Mad Mask
57 HAIRDRYER drop hair dryer Hair Dryer
58 BLUETOCOL drop blue protocol Blue Protocol
60 LIKE Drop Like Hand Like of the King
61 SUPLOGO Drop super logo Super Logo
62 SEALS drop seal badge Seals Patch
63 SMITHHAM Drop Smithing Hammer Smithing Hammer
64 GAPPLE Drop Golden Apple Golden Apple
65 POWERDIAMOND drops power gems Power Diamond
66 TESLACOIL drops a Tesla coil Tesla Coil
67 DEMONWINGS drop demon wings Demon Wings
68 DIVINITY drop divinity Divinity
69 GREENCAP drop Green Cap Green Cap
70 BIRTHCAKE drop birthday cake Birthday Cake
71 REDHAT Drop Red Hat Red Hat
72 EXMINE Drop Dangerous Mine Dangerous Mine
73 FATALDANCE Drop Fatal Dance Fatal Dance
74 GTORCH drops the golden torch Golden Torch
75 LIDLESSEYE Drop Lidless Eye Lidless Eye
76 IMMORTAL Drop Immortal Heart Immortal Heart
77 INNEREYE Drop Inner Eye Inner Eye
78 DESELIXIR drops Desert Elixir Desert Elixir
79 COINBOMB drops Coin Bomb Coin Bomb
80 MERLORD Drop King of Mercenaries Mercenary Lord
81 BATTLEPASS Drop Battle Pass Battle Pass
82 GBIRD Drop Golden Bird Golden Bird
83 SPARTAN drops Spartan blood
84 BERSERKER Drop Berserker's Fury
85 HOWARDACTOR Falling Ark Reactor
86 MAGVORTEX drop magic vortex
87 CATMEDAL drops the white cat badge
88 SIVBROOCH drop silver brooch
89 AMENECKLACE Drop Amethyst Necklace
90 MANEKINEKO Drop Manekineko
91 HACKTOOL Drop Hack Tool
92 BLACKFRIDAY drops double thirteen
93 LIPSTICK drop lipstick
94 HARDHAT drop helmet
95 PUMPHEAD drops a pumpkin head
96 VOFIELD drops the absolute field
97 THETOWEL drop towel
98 DEVILTRADE Drop Devil's Trade
99 BIGDADDY Drop Big Brother
100 FANATICMASK Drop Fanatic Mask
101 ANCIENTMASK drop ancient mask
102 FORESTSONIR Drop Rain Forest Souvenir
103 PLAGUEMASK Drop Plague Mask
104 DEMONSLAY Drop Demon Hunter
105 AIRMEDAL drops the Royal Air Force Medal
106 POPCORN drop popcorn
107 COLORCROWN drops colorful crests
108 ELASTICGEL drop rejection gel
109 BUBBLE Drop Deep Sea Bubble
110 DANGERSIGN Falling hazard sign
111 HOTCHILI Drop red pepper
112 COOLINGSYS drop water cooling system
113 BADAPPLE Dropped a broken apple
114 GAMMARAY drops gamma rays
115 JELLYBEAN drops colorful jelly beans
116 DEVILLINE Drop Demon Hotline
117 GFIST Drop Golden Fist
118 KILLERQUEEN Drop Hunter Queen
119 MJOLNIR Drop Mjolnir
120 HEADBADN Drop Ninja Guard
121 SAITAMA Drop Normal Gloves
122 ALIENTOY Drop alien toys
123 PATYPOPPER Drop party popper
124 FIRECRACKER drop firecrackers
125 XBOMB drop blasting device 5000
126 SAPPACK Drop Engineer Backpack
127 NANOTECH Drop Nanotech
128 PLANB Drop alternate plan
129 ACORN Drops acorns
130 DOUBLEYOLK Drops double yolk egg
131 BLACKRUM drops black rum
132 DOUGHNUT Drop Donuts
133 LEMONJELLY Drop Lemon Jelly
134 GINGERMAN Drops Gingerbread Man
135 SNACKBOX Drop Snack Box
136 GUMBEAR Drop Gummy Bear
137 MARSHMALLOW Drop marshmallow
138 NINJIACOS Drop Ninja Costume
139 TRAVHOOD Drop Traveler Hood
140 WINGEDHAT Drop Winged Hat
141 SCIAWARD Drop Science Award
142 FLASHBOOTS Falling Lightning Boots
143 FLAMINGO Drop Flamingo Feathers
144 DISCOLIGHT Drop dance floor lamp
145 OWLHEAD Drop Owl Headgear
146 MICROPHONE drop microphone
147 BACK Back to the initial room on this floor
148 OPENDOOR Open the locked door in case you are locked

Image Gallery[]
